Elegant Rose - Working In Background Sarafina Beth

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Our Story is actually quite silly.
To start- some back up story;
[ Kyle and our friend Justin went to school together back in the day. I later attended highschool with Justin, and there lies the big connection. Well, I introduced my best friend Liz to some people from my school, and thus came about her friendship with Justin. ]
okay, moving on.
Liz and I had a long weekend planned together. After a fashion show in Motown. We were planning on heading to Port Huron to meet up with a few of our close friends, but before we headed out, we had been invited to stop by and hangout with Justin, who was currently living/staying with his friend [ Kyle ] and wanted us to say hello. Liz told our ride up north, to meet us at this house, our problem was, we were running late after the show and made it to Kyle's about the same time our ride did. We literally walked through the doors, waved hello, and walked out. Liz grabbed a few slices of pizza, thinking we'd be there awhile, and I quickly scanned the room out of awkwardness, honestly. The only person I knew, other than Liz, in this house full of random people, was Justin, who was busy chatting with her anyway. I spotted Kyle in the corner of my eye- he was topless, wearing red sweatpants, with a slice of pizza in one hand, and a puppy in the other. He had [ still has ] this stupid dirty blond mop of a mohawk, that for some odd reason, I actually found attractive. I remember shifting my eyes to Liz who read my mind, and winked. For being someone so far from my type his first impression was a solid 8.5 for me, and that's a real highscore, aha. 
We all introduced ourselves, and Kyle, headed down to the basement, while I bonded with all the puppies running around. [ animals are much easier to socialize with than normal people, let's be honest. ] 
Like I said before, we were there for merely minutes, before our ride showed up, and we then went on our way. 
When the weekend came to an end and we were nearing the end of Sunday night, we packed our things, and planned on heading home. Turns out- instead of heading home, we were invited back by Justin, who told us Kyle and him were bored and wanted company. I, only knowing Kyle as the mohawk boy in red sweatpants, didn't think anything of it. We finally arrived back at the house around 2 am, Justin was wide awake waiting for us, but Kyle had given up on waiting and ran up to his room to catch up on some lost rest. Liz and Justin were at it again with their flirty inside jokes, so I proceeded to find my friendly company. Justin had mentioned which room he was in, so I went off looking. After climbing to the top of the stairs, I plopped down, Indian style in front of the locked door, and began to knock and yell Kyle's name obnoxiously. I was exhausted and wanted to fall over. Justin and Liz joined me at the top of the stairs, and after Justin threatened to knock the door down, Kyle decided to get up and unlock it for us. I hopped up on the big bed and began to snuggle with Kyle's Great Dane, Dually. We reintroduced ourselves and began to chat about utter nonsense. Anything that came to mind in quaint conversation came out. All that I really remember about that night was a long talk, and than warm spooning. Liz had been nagging me to get it on, due to me just getting out of a relationship and desperately in need of an emotional rebound, so both justin and liz were disappointed by our lack of intimacy. I think we both knew our connection ran a lot deeper than a one night stand of highschool makeout sessions.  There was something about Kyle I didn't quite understand, and mystery was all I wanted. From that day on, Kyle and I hadn't spent more than a day or two apart. We were so incredibly different from eachother, and that drove that beginning attraction. It was a completely new experience.
As time went by those difference became more of an issue than it did a blessing. Our thinking began to conflict, and thus sprouted the beginning to our arguments. Despite the conflict, name calling, and constant nag on nag, we've grown closer and closer. When I think about my relationship with Kyle, I may not be able to brag about how 'cute' we are, or how well our personalities mesh, but I can say this- Kyle and I have the most authentic relationships I've ever been in. It's more than vivid, it's real. Its not sugarcoated with and fairytale ideal, rather stripped down to the core of relationships are all about. Trust, Joy, and Love. -but when I say trust, I don't mean, when you fall I trust you to catch me, Trust as in, I fell, you didn't catch me, but I'm willing to do it again, because I trust you. When I say Joy, I don't mean, when life is fantastic and you're happy because of it, Joy as in, when life's in the gutter, but you choose to wear a smile, because no matter what, your circumstances shouldn't affect your positive outlook. And when I say love, I don't mean that gooshy feeling at the pit of your stomach, but when the feelings aren't there, and you choose to treat the person right because love is an ability. It is an action. 
I love Kyle because he's not perfect, and I know no one is-but hear me out. Kyle is confident in his imperfections. [ a little too confident at times ] but he has an essence about him that draws me to want to be the woman by his side. He may have the mind of a boy, but he has the heart of a man. That young man has my heart, and I trust him with it. I love Kyle Beauchemin, I truly have been blessed. 
And that's our story- as of now, aha.
I love you all.

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